Analysis of the fastest-growing jobs in the ICT sector and the Agribusiness sector – presentation of the research results
In order to support the work of the Sector Skills Councils, and to harmonize the supply and demand for knowledge, skills and competencies in the labor market, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) conducted research in the ICT and Agribusiness sectors. The results are the studies Analysis of the fastest-growing jobs in the ICT sector and Analysis of the fastest-growing jobs in the agribusiness sector NOKS web presentation (
For the purpose of presenting the results of the mentioned research, the EBRD, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Qualifications Agency on Thursday, December 17, 2020. organized an online presentation of research results. The introductory word was given by Prof. Dr. Gabrijela Grujic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Barbara Rambusek, Director of the Team for Gender and Economic Inclusion, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Prof. Dr. Caslav Mitrovic, Director, Qualifications Agency. Speakers pointed out the importance of connecting education and the labor market, as well as the need to improve social partnership and the continuous need to invest in human capital in response to rapid changes in the modern world of work.
After the introductory speech, the methodological framework and approach to research was presented by Dr. Svetozar Tanaskovic, assistant professor and associate of FREN, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, while the key findings of the study for Agribusiness were presented by Dr. Bojana Vukadinovic, Head of the Department for Cleaner Production, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, and for the ICT sector, the key findings of the study were presented by Dr. Djordje Mitrovic, associate professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade.
The studies analyze the economic and financial aspects of the ICT and Agribusiness sectors in Serbia and their characteristics in the labor market in order to see the compliance of the needs of these sectors for staff with the current offer of the education system in Serbia. The demand and supply of the workforce was analyzed individually, both through the analysis of data obtained from relevant state institutions, and through surveys and interviews with representatives of the most important companies in the ICT and Agribusiness sectors in Serbia. Based on the given analysis, guidelines and recommendations were made when it comes to the future education of the workforce in accordance with the needs of the ICT and Agribusiness sectors.
The presentation was attended by members of the Sector Skills Council for Information and Communication Technologies, Electrical Engineering, Automatics and Electronics, members of the Sector Skills Council for Agriculture, Food Production, Forestry, Fishery and Veterinary sectors, members of the National Qualifications Framework Council, employers and numerous other partners.
During the discussion, the importance of studies of this type for all decision makers related to the education policy was emphasized, especially the Sector Skills Councils as newly established bodies based on social partnership. Taking into account that the Sector Skills Councils are currently in the phase of defining their work programs for 2021, the results of the presented studies will be used as a significant analytical framework for considering the needs of the labor market, and defining priorities which sector qualifications need to be updated in the future.
Analiza perspektivnih zanimanja u sektoru Agrobiznisa