Qualifications Register

The Register of qualifications is composed of three sub-registers:

  1. The sub-register of national qualifications,
  2. The sub-register of qualification standards and
  3. The sub-register of PROA (Publicly Recognised Organizers of Activities) with employers with whom PROA realises practice.

The sub-register of national qualifications is going to be established for the purpose of managing qualification data, classified according to the level and type, in accordance with CLASSNQFS.

The sub-register od National Qualifications include qualifications regulated in compliance with the National Qualifications Framework in Serbia. The sub-register also contains the entries of qualifications with determinants that provide concise information on qualifications being sufficient for their basic recognition and transparency.

By coding of qualification in the Register up to one-digit level, the possibility of showing data on each qualification is obtained. Coding is performed with the aim of identifying, classifying according to the given criteria, searching and so on, depending on the variety of needs of potential data users on qualifications or individuals as their bearers. Qualifications are classified into the Register according to the levels and the National Qualifications Classification System (CLASSNQFS) which is based on the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 13-F).

The sub-register of qualification standards is going to be established for the purpose of managing qualification standards data.

The sub-register of PROA is going to be established for the purpose of managing data related to PROA, to whom the authorisations have been granted or revoked, and for managing approved adult education activities and employers with whom PROAs carry out practice.

After the adoption of the Law on NOKS, the Register will be managed by the Qualification Agency in electronic form. The data from the register will be publicly available through the official website of the Agency, which will be bilingual – in Serbian and English language.


Download documents: ISCED_2013f.pdf

Download documents: index08-draft.xlsx

Download documents: ISCED F-2013 Међународна стандардна класификација образовања